Hypnosis is not for everyone it’s for those who want to make powerful changes in their life!
Hypnotherapy is suitable for a whole range of issues including, anxiety, PSTD, addictions, weight loss, confidence, and much more. Using various techniques to achieve fast, natural, and very effective results.
Working with a mixture of clients male and female, from as young as 10 years old upwards.
Previous clients have quit smoking tobacco and cannabis, controlled alcohol intake, eliminated unwanted eating habits, released their trauma and anxiety replacing with confidence and motivation.
Sadly, one of the most common issues I deal with is anxiety and stress with low mood. Most people wouldn’t automatically come to a hypnotherapist for these issues but please take a look at my testimonials to hear about how I can help you with these feelings and those I’ve already helped.
You may have been suffering for a long time, nothing feels right, the anxiety, stress and the negativity of past trauma can have a detrimental effect on your mental and physical health.
The negative feelings can creep up on you over time, effecting everything that you do where even the simple daily tasks are getting too much. These feelings then have a knock on effect disrupting home life, work life, and not only effecting you but love ones too. This may lead to negative behaviours causing unhealthy coping strategies including unhealthy relationship with food and alcohol, gambling, overthinking, and other obsessive behaviours. These in turn can take over your life and leave you feeling totally out of control, stuck in life unable to move forward.
Trying to dispel these negative attributes can be very difficult alone, but working together using Hypnotherapy, Kinetic Shift and TFT ( Thought Field Therapy) it can be easy. Together we can release those negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours and replace with confidence, self belief and positivity. After just one session you will notice a change, everything will start to fall into place effortlessly, motivation will return, self love with grow and you will see yourself with a brighter future.
I am happy to answer any questions and explore any issues you may have, no matter how unusual in a safe and confidential manner.
You can visit me in my London office or if you prefer in the comfort of your home through out county of Essex. Also conveniently available for inte
Wishing you positive thoughts.
Maxine x